Palo Santo

What is Palo Santo?

Palo Santo is known as ‘holy wood’ and these trees are found in the forests of Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Mexico. 

Palo Santo use as an incense originates from Indigenous peoples in Central and South America. Peruvians would harvest the fallen branches and twigs of the Bursera graveolens tree and burned pieces, much like incense, in order to spiritually purify energy. Shamans used Palo Santo to offer grounded and clearing energy. It is a non-endangered species in the Burseraceae family, a close relative of frankincense.

Palo Santo is often used to cleanse the energy of spaces, items, and people, as well as for its woodsy, fragrant aroma. 

Is Palo Santo Sustainably Sourced?

All Bursera Palo Santo is sourced from the dry forests of northern Peru and Certified Sustainable by SERFOR (National Forest Service and Wildlife of Peru). The regional forest and wildlife authority only authorizes the use of dry and naturally fallen trees. This certification is critical to ensuring we protect the forests.

How to Burn Palo Santo?

Burning Palo Santo is a sacred and mindful ritual that has been practiced for generations. This fragrant wood is renowned for its cleansing and purifying properties. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to burn Palo Santo effectively:

  1. Open all windows
  2. Hold Palo Santo Stick downward at a 45 degree angle
  3. Light the end of the stick with a candle or lighter, may take up to a minute of holding a flame to it
  4. Hold the stick upright with the lit end up and let burn for 10-20 seconds
  5. Blow the flame out and paint the air with the smoke, it will continue for about a minute and stop at which the point the stick can be relit if more is desired.
  6. Place in a Palo Santo Holder

Begin by ensuring good ventilation. Open all windows and doors in the area where you plan to burn Palo Santo. This allows for proper airflow.

Take a Palo Santo stick and hold it at approximately a 45-degree angle to the flame source. This angle helps the stick catch fire evenly.

Using a candle, lighter, or matches, ignite the tip of the Palo Santo stick. Hold it in the flame for about 10-15 seconds until it catches fire but this could take up to a minute.

Hold the stick upright and allow the flame to burn for 10-20 seconds. During this brief moment, as the Palo Santo stick catches fire, take in the mesmerizing dance of flames. It's a reminder of the transformation taking place—the conversion of wood into fragrant smoke, releasing Palo Santo's sacred essence into your space.

Gently blow on the flame until it extinguishes. You should be left with a smoldering or glowing ember at the tip of the stick. The stick should emit a fragrant, aromatic smoke. With the glowing end of the Palo Santo stick producing smoke, walk around the space you wish to purify or cleanse. The smoke will continue for about a minute at which point the stick can be relit if more smoke is desired.

Once you have completed your cleansing ritual or enjoyed the aroma, place the smoldering Palo Santo stick in a fireproof Palo Santo holder or dish. Allow it to burn out naturally. Never leave a burning stick unattended.

Forms of Palo Santo

Palo Santo, known for its remarkable aromatic properties and sacred significance, comes in several versatile forms, each offering a unique way to experience its essence. Here are the primary forms in which Palo Santo is available:

  1. Wood: Palo Santo wood is the heart of this mystical tree's offerings. It can be found in the form of sticks, chips, or powder. Typically sourced from the branches of the tree, Palo Santo wood in its natural state is 100 percent pure, offering a direct and authentic connection to the tree's essence.
  2. Resin: Within Palo Santo wood lies a precious and highly aromatic resin. This resin can be carefully extracted and used separately from the wood. Palo Santo resin releases an intense, captivating fragrance when burned, making it a popular choice for various spiritual and aromatic practices.
  3. Oil: The essential oil of Palo Santo is a precious elixir derived from both the wood and the fruit of the tree. This oil captures the rich aroma and therapeutic properties of Palo Santo in a concentrated form. It is often used in aromatherapy, massage, and holistic wellness practices.

Each form of Palo Santo offers a distinct sensory experience, allowing individuals to choose the one that resonates most with their intentions and preferences. Whether you prefer the simplicity of Palo Santo wood, the potent fragrance of its resin, or the versatility of its essential oil, Palo Santo is a gift from nature that invites you to explore its many facets.

Explore our range of Palo Santo products to discover your preferred form and start your journey toward greater well-being and spiritual connection.

Discover the Essence of Tranquility

Palo Santo Benefits

Palo Santo, often referred to as "holy wood," has been cherished for centuries for its remarkable array of benefits, both aromatic and spiritual. This mystical wood, native to South America, offers a myriad of advantages, making it a beloved choice for various practices. Here are some of the key benefits of Palo Santo:

  1. Aromatic Bliss: Palo Santo is celebrated for its enchanting, sweet, and woody aroma. Burning Palo Santo releases a fragrant smoke that can purify the air, elevate the mood, and create a serene ambiance. It's often used for relaxation and meditation.
  2. Energy Cleansing: Palo Santo is renowned for its energy-cleansing properties. It's believed to clear negative energy, purify spaces, and dispel bad vibes. Many use it as part of rituals to cleanse their homes or themselves of stagnant energy.
  3. Spiritual Connection: Palo Santo is considered a spiritual tool that enhances connection and mindfulness. It's often used in meditation and prayer practices to deepen one's spiritual journey and foster a sense of inner peace.
  4. Stress Reduction: The calming scent of Palo Santo can help reduce stress and anxiety. It's a valuable aid for those seeking moments of tranquility and relaxation in their daily lives.
  5. Natural Insect Repellent: Palo Santo contains natural compounds that act as insect repellents. It can be used to keep pesky insects at bay during outdoor activities.
  6. Pain Relief: Some individuals use Palo Santo oil topically for its potential pain-relieving properties. It's believed to provide relief from muscle aches and joint discomfort.
  7. Enhanced Creativity: Palo Santo's unique aroma is said to stimulate creativity and clarity of thought. Many artists and writers use it to enhance their creative processes.
  8. Support for Respiratory Health: Inhaling the smoke from burning Palo Santo may help alleviate respiratory issues like congestion and allergies. It's a natural remedy used by some for respiratory well-being.
  9. Grounding and Centering: Palo Santo is associated with grounding and centering energies. It can help individuals feel more rooted and balanced, especially during times of change or stress.
  10. Sustainable and Ethical: Choosing Palo Santo from sustainable sources supports ethical and eco-conscious practices. Responsible harvesting helps protect the Palo Santo tree and its ecosystem.

These benefits, combined with its rich history and cultural significance, make Palo Santo a valuable addition to holistic wellness practices and spiritual rituals. Whether you're seeking relaxation, purification, or a deeper spiritual connection, Palo Santo offers a diverse range of advantages.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

Palo Santo is generally considered safe for most people and is not associated with any major side effects. However, it's important to exercise caution and consider certain precautions, especially in specific situations:

  1. First-Time Use: If you are using Palo Santo oil or incense for the first time, it's advisable to perform a patch test. Apply a small amount of the oil to a small area of your skin, like the inner forearm. If you experience any skin irritation, redness, or discomfort, discontinue use immediately.
  2. Lung or Breathing Issues: Individuals with preexisting lung or breathing problems, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), should exercise caution when using Palo Santo. Burning Palo Santo can release smoke that may worsen respiratory symptoms. If you have such conditions, consider alternative methods of enjoying its aroma, such as using Palo Santo essential oil in a diffuser.
  3. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is recommended to exercise caution when using Palo Santo oil or incense. While there is limited research on the safety of Palo Santo during pregnancy and lactation, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating it into your routine.
  4. Allergies: Individuals with known allergies to aromatic woods or essential oils should be cautious when using Palo Santo. Monitor for any allergic reactions, such as skin irritation, itching, or respiratory discomfort.
  5. Sensitivity: Some people may have skin sensitivity to essential oils, including Palo Santo oil. Diluting Palo Santo oil with a carrier oil before topical use can help reduce the risk of skin irritation.
  6. Children and Pets: Keep Palo Santo and its products out of reach of children and pets to prevent accidental ingestion or contact.

It's essential to use Palo Santo mindfully and in accordance with your individual health and wellness needs. If you have any specific concerns or medical conditions, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating Palo Santo into your routine, especially if you fall into any of the precautionary categories mentioned above.

By using Palo Santo responsibly, you can fully enjoy its benefits while minimizing any potential risks.